Wolfram with Jupyter


Posted by Algebra-FUN on February 8, 2021

Wolfram with Jupyter

Use Mathematica in Jupyter Lab

What do we need

I think the reader should have the experience about using Jupyter Notebook or Lab, so I won’t introduce how to install Jupyter Lab Here.

Wolfram Engine

Wolfram Engine is Free and Strong. It’s is similar to Python Interpreter. As consequence, we can use a kernel to transfer it to Jupyter.

Download it in this link: https://brilliant.org/wiki/beta-function/

Download and install and activate it, as the web page follow.

It’s easy to install.

Wolfram Kernel

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/WolframResearch/WolframLanguageForJupyter.git

Install the kernel

Run the following command in your shell to make the Wolfram Language engine available to Jupyter:

./configure-jupyter.wls add

Attention here!: the command won’t work on windows, you should use cd command first

For windows user:

cd WolframLanguageForJupyter
configure-jupyter.wls add

Waiting for installing…

However, maybe there will raise a network error, so you can try in other way to install following the Method 2: Using Wolfram Language


See if the kernel is installed.

jupyter kernelspec list

And also you can start Jupyter Lab to see the performance.